jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Happy New Year!

For the 6th Graders

1° What is your favourite month?

Spell it.

2°  Why is it your favourite month?

3° What is the season and the weather like

at this month?


For the 8th/9th Graders

Lea Michele "Auld Lang Syne" 

"Aul Lang Syne" is a traditional song that British people sing at midnight on December 31; but most people don't know that it is a Scottish poem written in 1788 by Robert Burns and later set to the music of a folk song.  


 The song's (Scots) title may be translated from old Scottish dialect into English literally as "old long since", or more idiomatically, "long long ago" or "days gone by".

 This is the karaoke version of 'Chant des Adieux' the French equivalent of Auld Lang Syne and is sung to the same tune, ou 'Le Joyeux au revoir scout', ou encore 'Ce n'est qu'un au revoir'.

   Revise your ordinal

to say the date!

Use this site to pronounce them well 

  Practise the date 



 For the 6th Graders 

  A time all together...

Pianist performs John Lennon's Imagine after Paris attacks 

Imagine (UNICEF: World Version)


England Vs France 2-0 - Wembley Singing The French Anthem La Marseillaise - November 17 2015

  For the 8th Graders 

A time for world's concern...

...and hope 

  For the 9th Graders

A time to remember 

and cherish life more than ever

day after day... 

 Watch the CNN video Revie w o 2015 and react  

Brother of 'Hero' Ahmed Merabet, a policeman of the French Republic
 who was killed during the attaks against Charlie Hebdo (Press conference of Sat.January, 10)


January Paris attacks: Jewish Supermarket siege Muslim 'Hero' Lassana Bathily gets citizenship









Be an expert and take up the challenges in the past!


For the 8th Graders

Action 1

Observe the cartoon and answer the questions

1° Who can you recognize?
2° Is he a human? Why?
3°Why does he speak then?
4° What does he say?Why?
5° What about you this year?
Have you got New Year's resolutions?

Action 2

Rock the New Year!

This a parody of The Beatles 'Revolution'!

 Action 3

Read about these Year's resolutions

  Your turn now!



For the 8th Graders

Action 1

Listen and learn about New Year's resolutions

  Action 2

Learn more vocab on NY's resolutions

and tell about your own New Year's resolutions


For the 9th Graders

  Action 1

Look and react

Action 2

What are the most popular New Year's  resolutions for people?

Read this pie chart and check

Action 3

It is January. Happy New Year to all!

People usually make New Years resolutions at this time of the year and so does Adrian, a fictional British teenager who records his misadventures in his personal diary!

His author is Sue Townsend who started writing a series of books at 15 and did it for 20 years until her death in April 2014.

The book has been issued in 1982 

and it starts at 1st January...


First, let's have a look 

at the first edition book cover!

1° How do you know it is a book cover?

2° What is striking at first sight 

on this book cover?

3° How is the illustration related to the book title?

4°From the word "diary", what kind of writing 

can you expect?

5° From the title and the illustration, what can you say about the tone of the book 

and the main character of the book?


Listen to this song from the musical adapted from the book to check your first impressions


 What did you learn about this teenager?

(his personality/his state of mind/his worries)

Do you identify with any of his problems? 

Which one(s)?


Now look at a montage of just some of the Secret Diary of Adrian Mole book covers over the 30 years by Sue Towsend

Which one is the most appealing? Why?


Here’s an extract from that first teenage diary …

Thursday, January 1
These are my New Year’s resolutions:
I will help the blind across the road.
I will hang my trousers up.
I will put the sleeves back on my records.
I will not start smoking.
I will stop squeezing my spots.
I will be kind to the dog.
I will help the poor and ignorant.
After hearing the disgusting noises from downstairs last  night, I have also vowed never to drink alcohol.
My father got the dog drunk on cherry brandy at the party last night. If the RSPCA hear about it he could get done. Eight days have gone by since Christmas Day but my mother still hasn’t worn the green lurex apron I bought her for Christmas! She will get bathcubes next year.
Just my luck, I’ve got a spot on my chin for the first day of the New Year!

1° When does this extract take place?

2° Where does it take place? 

What is the other name given

 to these 4 countries together?

3° Make a glossary of these words:

Bank holiday

the blind

hang up

the sleeves




4° What is the entry of this diary extract?

5° What are the topics spoken in this extract?

6° Which one is the longest, the funniest,the most hilarious,  the most disgusting, the most generous, the most unexpected, the most disappointing, the most mysterious, the most boring and the healthiest?

 Look at the dictionary entry 
on 'diary'
and answer these questions
1° What is a diary?
2° Have you ever kept a diary?
 3° Why do you think teenagers 
very often keep one?
4° If you became famous, would you be happy for your diary to be published? Why or why not? 
5° What do you know about 
diary characteristics and style?

Observe and find out! 


Now your turn! 

Imagine you are Adrian Mole. 

 Write a diary entry for Monday, January 25th  

 or any other day before the end of January

Some tips! 

- The event concerns your father, your dog and one neighbour.             

- It can be funny or surprising or unexpected.  
- It happens a few days after Jan.1st at home.    
- It involves the RSPCA members.

- You have to use the vocabulary you know and the Future tense. 

- To conclude, you will explain the impact of this particular event on your life.

The Scots celebrate their bard

For the 9th Graders

Action 1 

Look at the document below 

and answer the questions 

 1° Which type of document can you see?

2° Which event is it about?

3° When is this event?

4° In which country is this event?

5°  In which place and at which address

 will this event be celebrated?

6° What time will it be celebrated?

7° What is the menu?

8° Which food is typical and is praized by a poet?

Action 2

Learn more about Robert Burns

and complete a biography