jeudi 19 mai 2016

The 6th Graders at the Farm

A Window into the Animal World
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Look, listen and repeat 

 Look, listen and repeat 

 Look, listen and repeat

Do the activities in the interactive book

a) Watch and listen

b )Watch, listen and repeat

c) Do you like pets?  
Have you got one or several ones (=plusieurs) ?

Describe it or them.
My favourite animal is the  rabbit. It lives in its house. It is small. It’s white and it has got bigears. It eats carrots...
 a) Watch the video, listen to the song 
 and complete the activities 

1/ Watch the video and tick the animals you can see.

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Afficher l'image d'origine

Afficher l'image d'origine

Afficher l'image d'origine

Afficher l'image d'origine
□ __________
□ __________
□ __________
□ __________
□ __________

Afficher l'image d'origine


Afficher l'image d'origine

Afficher l'image d'origine
Afficher l'image d'origine
Afficher l'image d'origine
□ __________
□ __________
□ __________
□ __________
□ __________

2/ Write the name of the animal under the correct picture

a bird / a cat / a chicken / a cow / a dog / a duck / a frog / a hedgehog / a horse / a pig /

3/ Answer these questions

1. Has Old Macdonald got a duck? ______________________________________________________

2. Has he got a cat? _________________________________________________________________

3. Has he got a cow? ________________________________________________________________

4. Has he got a pig? _________________________________________________________________

4/ Complete these sentences

1. The farmer has got a ____________, a ____________, a ____________ and a _____________.  

2. But he has not got a ____________, a ____________, a ____________ and a ____________.

5/ What about you?

Has your friend got a pet? _______________________________________

What are your favourite animals? _______________________________________

6/ Match the animal and the sound   

You can see …
  You can hear …
   You can see …
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Afficher l'image d'origine

woof woof           oink oink

moo moo          quack-quack

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Afficher l'image d'origine

1. The duck says “________________________”.

2. The dog says “________________________”.

3. The cow says “________________________”.

4. The pig says “________________________”.

7/ Read the definition and write the name of the animal.

1. It is a small domesticated bird. 
It has got 2 short legs.
 It is a ____________________.

2. It has got 4 legs. It is big. 
It is brown or black and white. 
It is a ____________________.

3. It has got 4 legs. It is pink. 
It is a ____________________.

4. It is the farmer’s pet. 
It is the ____________________.

 b) Sing a karaoke
c) Listen and copy the lyrics
d) Sing along!

Complete your Diary about your afternoon out.
Answer the questions below first.
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  1° Where did you go on May, 19? 2° How did you go there?
3° What was the weather like?
 4° What did you do?

5° Did you enjoy your field trip (=class outing)? 
Why or why not? 

a) Let's talk in the Past!

b) Let's learn more about the Past!



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