vendredi 5 août 2016

Happy birthday Mr. President!

This is Barack Obama's last birthday while in office as President.

A man's achievements 

Those special Cebs who like twitting!

55 years young and that smile still gets me every single day.
 Happy birthday, Barack. I love you. -mo


2 commentaires:

  1. Hello, miss B je ne trouve pas les action demandée pour les devoirs de demain.
    Veuillez m'indiquer les actions demander svp. Salwa TOUZANI 4°2

  2. Good evening, Salwa.
    You are not on the right blog!
    This year's blog is :
    Click on "novembre-Farewell Pdt Obama-For the 8th Graders".
    Good luck! And don't go to bed to late.
    Miss B
