mardi 1 mars 2016

Hooray! Spring is coming.

For the 6th Graders

Read and colour the logo above.

Colour s purple, colour p orange, colour r yellow, colour I Green, colour n pink, colour g red. 
Complete the text choosing the right word from the box.

Sun, Easter, meadows, season, rainy, hot, park, is, singing, flowers, blossoms ,green, March, year, weather, Walk, hear, trees

Spring is my favourite …………….

It………..on 21st of………….every ……………..

It’s a …………….season, but the …………….is not cold like Winter.

The …………is quite …………and when I go for a ……… the city…………I can ……………all the birds ……………..

There are …………..on the ……………and …………………on the grass. The ……………are ……………

Spring is also my favourite season because there are …………………holidays!

(extrait de; michlea1, March 23, 2014)

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