dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Welcome and make yourself at home!

Hello, everybody! 
Welcome to this new webpath of our future adventures in the English class
with me, your hostess alias Miss B!
I have been  teaching for many, many, many years now
but, "Good spirits" will say that I don't look like it.
Yes, you know, "appearances are often deceptive" but I am true and real, believe me!

14 commentaires:

  1. Hello, Marco!
    Thanks for your first words on our blog at 3:10 (Paris time). It's 7:10 am in Chicago!
    You are the first student to write on the blog. Congrats! Miss B

  2. And I am the second!
    Good stay in Chicago Miss B!

    Rayane A.

  3. Hello, Rayane.
    Yes, you are the second...boy to write on the blog!
    Actually, I am not in Chicago now, I was just explaining the time gap between Paris and Chicago.
    If you read the time on your post, "14:50" written (Chicago time) because you sent me your post at "22h50" (Paris time)!
    But I have an excellent souvenir of my stay in Chicago from May 5 to May 11, 2015 with the former students of 3ème3.

  4. Miss B, I have a problem for my homework because I don't have the mission sheet about Halloween. I was absent at the last classroom's day. I read yours instructions on ENT and consulted the websites that you gave but I don't understand, there are differents works about Halloween (y compris celui avec les bulles). More, about the screen activities, is it to
    have to do them and where and wich ones exactly?
    I am sorry to bother you with that while your holidays. Thank you for your help.

  5. Hello Rayane and thnk you for your interest.
    The Mission+ page is clear: you must use a coloured cardbord paper ("Chemise de papier cartonné de couleur) to make a personalized Halloween File with the help of the Theme titles in the bubbles that you must put in order. To complete your File, I gave three links at the bottom of the Mission+ page.
    Hope it helps. Otherwise, you can also contact one of your classmates.
    Good luck!
    Miss B

  6. hello Mm Bascou
    I find your blog !!
    And your virtual character is very successfulr

    this I wish you a good weekend and tomorrow

    Assia Boujedli

  7. hello Mm Bascou
    I find your blog !!
    And your virtual character is very successfulr

    this I wish you a good weekend and tomorrow

    Assia Boujedli

  8. Hello, dear Assia.
    At last, a girl on our blog! Congrats!
    Wish you a nice Sunday as well.
    Miss B

  9. Hello, Miss B ! I want to know if you're here tomorrow (the Friday 6 November 2015).


    1. Good evening, Marco.
      Unfortunately not, but the class has a homework to give me back tomorrow, either by mail or by handing it to their French teacher. Next Monday, the class will have a substitute teacher. I hope I can count on you and your classmates to welcome this new teacher correctly and work seriously. Thanks. Miss B

  10. Yes but I see this homework today and Mr FOUASSIER gave this homeworks just today and we can't do this homework in just 1 evening.

  11. You ar right Marco. In this case, tell the class for me to hand in this homework to Mr. Fouassier next Monday. Final deadline! Thanks. I am going to write it in the ENT.Of course, if some of your classmates have this homework tomorrow, they can give it right away. Miss B

  12. hello Miss.B have a nice week-end
    is binta
